Spring Cleaning Checklist

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Home Improvement

It is always around time that I start thinking about Spring. I love the spring in North Texas. It is the perfect time when it is not to cold, but not the blistering heat of summer. /Spring it a time to clear out all things that have accumulated over the winter. Here is a handy Spring Cleaning list to help you get your home ready to enjoy the season.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

 Clean out the garage.

 Inspect the roof and gutter.

 Power wash the outside of the house, including windows.

 Drain all sediment from your hot water heater.

 Donate clothes not worn for more than two years.

 Wash walls using 1/2 cup ammonia, 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda to 1 gallon of warm water.

 Wash all inside windows. Vacuum out the tracks.

 Vacuum/wash/dry clean all window coverings.

 Dust and wash light fixtures and chandeliers.

 Wash all knickknacks. Vacuum books and shelves.

 Vacuum lampshades. Replace lightbulbs.

 Deep clean shower, toilet, floor and sink.

 Inventory the medicine cabinet and toss expired medicines.

 Defrost freezer (if needed) and wash out refrigerator.

 Clean oven and soak stove rings and drip pans.

 Vacuum front coils and motor to remove dust and dirt.

 Launder all blankets and bedding. Turn mattresses.

 Move furniture to the center of each room and vacuum thoroughly. Shampoo carpets.

 Have a garage sale.